By Kelly
Each year, I’ve easily accomplished my one resolution, so this year I got cocky and tried to do one per month. But after the first four months, I realized I should’ve stuck to one — or at least just one per season — because that might have been doable. But 12? It may have been possible if nothing in my life changed this year. But in April, I got a puppy — an adorable, sweet, needy, little puppy. And I got too busy for much else. Despite that, I still got some done, just not what I planned. Here are my original 12 Resolutions of New Year’s and how I did on each one:
January: Run first photo booth. CHECK
February: Finish POP Pilates® certification and teach first POP Pilates® class. CHECK
AND I got POP Pilates® Remix certified, too.
March: Start eating one meat, one fruit and one vegetable a day. NOPE
BUT I recently went low-carb/low-sugar and lost 10 pounds
April: Start running three 5Ks a week. NOPE
BUT I consistently ran 6 miles a week, on top of 4 hours of Pilates and I went to West Texas and swam with otters.
May: Start teaching a POP Pilates® class in the park. NOPE
I decided teaching one class per week was hard enough with my schedule.
June: Start swimming 100 meters of butterfly, three times a week. NOPE
Didn’t even do this once.
July: Write and submit a Christmas-movie script. NOPE
August: Watch meteors from the glass dome. NOPE
Instead, I took an awesome trip to Moody Gardens/Galveston.
September: Attend fall festivals. CHECK
Going to my first one next weekend.
October: Enter a ghost-story contest. NOPE!
It filled up before I could enter!
November: Write a new, 50,000-word novel for National Novel Writing Month. PRE-NOPE
I haven't even blogged since April until now!
December: Crush “All I want for Christmas is you” Carol-okee. PRE-CHECK
I’m performing this with my band at this year’s Christmas party.
So out of my 12 New Year’s Resolutions, I accomplished four, so I should’ve stuck to one, OR just one per season. Next year, I’ll go seasonal, before I try and move up to 12 again, because I think it’s doable. It just wasn’t doable for me this year. What about you, readers? How are your New Year’s Resolutions going?